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I'm a Second Grade Teacher who loves learning new things and using technology in my classroom. Be sure to check out our class website to see what we are doing in second grade http://www.southadams.k12.in.us/webpages/agoodwin/

Thursday, March 6, 2014

President projects

The final count for Read the Most from Coast to Coast was 4,987,949. We beat last years goal but didn't quite make it to the 5 million.

Here are some president projects we have been working on in class the past week. The first one is questions for the president. We watched Kid President visits the President and he asks the President a question at the end of the video. We came up with a question we would ask the President and recorded it and the answer.

The next item we made is a digital book using the app Book Creator. Each student made a page and then shared their page with me and I put it together into one book. You need an iPad to view the link. Once you click it on your iPad hit download and then open in iBooks to see what we have created.


  1. We just read your book! We liked how you told the boys not to date until high school! We like the advice about not yelling in people's faces. The girls did not agree that they should bake cookies for the boys, but the boys liked that part! We liked how some of the things were really funny. The boys liked how it said that girls can't play football, but the girls disagree! We liked the drawings. We liked how you talked loud on the recordings. The book was awesome. From the second graders, Southfield Christian School, Southfield, Michigan, Mrs. Bennefield's class.

  2. We were cracking up as we read your book! We thought the book was very funny! We liked the part for the music teacher. We liked the advice for the coach to always have a snack for us. We thought the advice to the pets to not pee on the carpet was funny! We liked asking the lunch lady to make cookies. You did a good job making the pictures. Your writing was great how you said five things! We thought your book was awesome and amazing!

  3. Oops, the last comment was from Mrs. Nesbitt's second grade class at Southfield Christian.

  4. Your book gave good advice. We liked when it said not to yell in people's faces. You gave good advice to pets. It was good advice to tell kids to go to bed on time. It was good that moms need to know how to do the laundry. Your book was amazing, awesome, and excellent. From the first graders, Mrs. Wilson's class, Southfield Christian School.

  5. We thought your book was funny and great! We liked the advice to the pets. The boys liked how it said that the girls should bake cookies for them. We liked the advice to not date until you are in high school. We also liked the part that said don't bite and don't push. From the first graders of Mrs. Palmer's class Southfield Christian School.
