About Me

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I'm a Second Grade Teacher who loves learning new things and using technology in my classroom. Be sure to check out our class website to see what we are doing in second grade http://www.southadams.k12.in.us/webpages/agoodwin/

Friday, February 3, 2012

Digital Learning Day

We reviewed making predictions through some tall take read alouds this week that had to do with weather. We also predicted who will win the Super Bowl. The highlight of the week was digital learning day where students help create ideas for a 1 minute video, took photographs and video and screen shots of learning activities that are happening in our classroom.  This is now on our class website and the school website. Here is a link to the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frUE1QipS2Y&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
We started Junior Achievement with an introduction to our teacher Rob Johnson.  Students had fun asking him lots of questions about what it is like to be a police officer.  Next week he will start with our 1st lesson.  We worked a little on some science videos that we will hopefully finish next week.  We started temperature and telling time in math.  We have been tracking the temperature and will hopefully have time to do some interesting thermometer experiments with Science next week.
Another busy week in Second Grade.