About Me

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I'm a Second Grade Teacher who loves learning new things and using technology in my classroom. Be sure to check out our class website to see what we are doing in second grade http://www.southadams.k12.in.us/webpages/agoodwin/

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dr. Seuss Day

Friday was Dr. Seuss's birthday. We read lots of different Dr. Seuss books and learned some interesting things about him. We enjoyed retelling The Lorax story and staching ourselves. Check out our kid blogs to see our picture with our retelling. This past week we didn't do a story in our reader but did lots of comprehension activities with Charlotte's Web. This is a classic chapter book that all second grade teacher read to our students ever year. We finished the chapter book and did a comparison with Sophie's Masterpiece. This next week we will have a pajama day and watch the movie.