About Me

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I'm a Second Grade Teacher who loves learning new things and using technology in my classroom. Be sure to check out our class website to see what we are doing in second grade http://www.southadams.k12.in.us/webpages/agoodwin/

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tenth Week of School

This past week we practiced more summarizing skills in reading.  In science we learned a little about the bones of our body and bats.  In math we have been working on answering questions using different types of graphs.  We had a great RAH RAH Fall Festival reading celebration. The kids enjoyed painting pumpkins, hillbilly golf, cornhole, pin the face on a pumpkin, sack races, and bobbing for apples. They learned how to put a photo on their kidblog and then they wrote a little about this celebration.  On Friday we had a BMX bike show which encouraged kids to say no to illegal drugs and to walk away from bullies and tell an adult.  I'm looking forward to seeing all of you on Monday or Tuesday next week for Parent Teacher conferences.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ninth Week of School

Wow! This first nine weeks has flown by so quickly. This past week we have been working on summarizing a story by retelling the beginning, middle and end or what happened first, next, then, and last. We have been working on writing about our field trip by retelling in our writing also. We had a great skype call with the class in Pennsylvania. Everyone did a wonderful job answering their story problems. Our new chapter in math is all different types of graphs. We will be doing another project and skype with this class with our graphing. In Social Studies we have been talking about our city, state, country and continent. We learned the seven continents and talked more about maps and directions north, south, east and west. I have so many pictures and projects to add to the website and I am hoping to get some of them on this week. Now that the Cross Country season is coming to a close I will have a little more time on my hands.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Eighth Week of School

Our story this week was written by Eric Carle and we made some paper like he does for his collages. We are working on using it to make some cool pictures. We spent a lot of time learning about drawing conclusions. Using our schema, what we know and the author's words in the story to help us draw a conclusion. We learned more about leaves and seeds and saw many of these on our field trip at the Oubache State Park. We made up addition and subtraction story problems and shared them with another class on our first skype call this year with a Second Grade Class in Pennsylvania. They answered our problems and had lots of fun. We will skype with them next week while they share their math word problems with us. Some really good life skills were learned at the NED program: Never Give Up, Encourage Others and Do Your Best. I hope the students use these throughout this school year and their lives.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Seventh Week of School

This was a busy week reviewing many reading comprehension strategies on our FACE of a reader wall.  We added looking at the punctuation marks to our fluency section.  We had a great OREO day on Monday and another butterfly hatched named Sweet Pea.  We had another hatch later in the week which we thought was a girl and named her Mrs. Thunderbolt which later had to change to Lightningbolt once we found out he was not a girl after all.  During writing time we learned how to pump up our stories with names and numbers to make it more interesting. In math we worked all week doing subtraction facts.  We learned about counting back, what happens when we subtract all or zero and we learned how the doubles addition facts can also help us with subtraction.  We studied a little more about trees and leaves to prepare for our field trip Wednesday.  It looks like it will be wonderful weather. We ended the week with a pep session in the high school gym for the whole school where we cheered on the Starfires!